Step 1 - How to Add Employees

In Step 1, add your full-time, benefit eligible employees that are working at least 30 hours.  These employee must be offered coverage no more than 90 days after hire date.

Add employee manually, ADD EMPLOYEES > ADD EMPLOYEES or by uploading a excel spreadsheet ADD EMPLOYEES > IMPORT FROM EXCEL.  GoBenefits also integrates with HR Payroll products such as QuickBooks and BambooHR.


For part-time, variable hour employees, there are a few different options to determine eligibility:

Option 1:  The default rule, called the “monthly measurement period,” requires an employer to measure hours for a month. If the employee averages 30 hours per week over that month (or works 130 hours for the month as a whole), he or she has to be offered coverage as of the first day of that same month.

Option 2: Look-back Measurement Periods:  If the employee averages at least 30 hours per week (or 130 hours per month) over that measurement period (measures an employee’s hours over a period of time, usually 12 months (although it can be as short as three months), then they must be offered coverage for a “stability period” following the measurement period (and, if the employer chooses, a buffer called an administrative period, for open enrollment). The employee is generally treated full-time during that entire stability period, even if their hours fluctuate above or below 30-hours in a week (or 130 hours in a month). Usually, the stability period is as long as the measurement period, but it cannot be less than six months.


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